Hana Kynstova works in the Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Health Studies, University of J. E. Purkyne Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic. She completed her Master\'s program in social work at the University of Hradec Kralove. The rigorous procedure in the field of social work was completed at the University of Health and Social Work in Bratislava. In 2011, she successfully defended her dissertation on the subject-the psychomotor therapy social activation services clients with schizophrenic illness. It focuses on psychomotor and psychosocial rehabilitation treatment of persons with mental illness.
Content: Psychomotor therapy is a supportive method of treatment that works to pharmacotherapy, biological, physical, psychosocial and surgical therapies. Actively performed movement of non-working type is used to achieve medical results. This work is divided into two key parts. The core of the first part discusses the issue of schizophrenia. It acquaints the reader with the options of social work and points out the importance of rehabilitation and activation of clients with a serious mental disorder. It focuses on a general description of the disorder. It acquaints the reader with social work methods used in relation to psychiatric clients and describes social services and their importance to psychosocial rehabilitation. The next section acquaints the reader with psychomotor therapy as an appropriate component of social activation activities. The main section contains research realized during 2009 and 2010 at facilities providing community services to clients with schizophrenia.\r\n\r\nUsed Research Methods: The questionnaire method was chosen as a suitable method for collection of data from the population of schizophrenic individuals, because this method was effective; it was not time consuming or economically demanding and it provided the option of statistical evaluation. We focused on measuring affective emotional states as an indicator of the individual’s mental state. We chose the Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire to evaluate the effect of psychomotor therapy. The questionnaire is used to profile emotional states and moods, particularly in relation monitoring the effect of short-term therapies. The POMS questionnaire profile contains 6 factors: tension, depression, anger, fatigue, vitality and confusion. Hypotheses H1 – H6 were determined for these individual factors.\r\n\r\nResearch Results: We can infer the proven effect of psychomotor therapy on the current emotional state of clients with schizophrenia from the research results. The results prove that this effect is constant, as proven by the performed Wilcoxon non-parametric pair test. This change is statistically significant with regard to the factors of tension, depression, anger and fatigue and expressed by a fall in values, on average by 4 to 5 (H1, H2, H3, H5 - confirmed). A similar fall, by a value of 3, occurs in confusion (H6 – confirmed). The vitality factor rises by an average of 0.95 (H4 – not confirmed) and a statistically significant difference between values established before and after therapy could not be proven.\r\n\r\nConclusion: We perceive the benefits of psychomotor therapy in the proven results of realized research and also in the findings based on keeping documentation, in which it is statistically proven that motor therapy has become a regularly visited program, which clients verbally rated positively.\r\n