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Mona Radwan

Mona Radwan

Zagazig University, Egypt

Title: Stress, bullying and working ability index among academia


Biography: Mona Radwan


Our environment has become very diverse and rapidly changing, which affects every person especially, workplace. Most of us cannot cope with these changes, which has been reflected on the work environment, working conditions, the worker health, working ability and productivity. To manage these changes, making it more useful, we should study its impact on the work, which may be reflected as, annoying attitude and behavior at work; envy, mobbing, harassments and reduction in productivity. Envy damages relationships, disrupts teams, and undermines organizational performance. Most of all, it harms the one who feels it. When you’re obsessed with someone else’s success, your self-respect suffers, and you may neglect or even sabotage your own performance and possibly your career. Our goal was to promote health for workers at their work places, physically, mentally and socially. Our objectives were to measure the prevalence of stress, bullying among the academic staff of the University in 2015, to measure working ability index among the academic staff and to assess the risk factors associated with bullying, working ability index and stress among them in 2015. A cross sectional survey of 400 academic staffs in the University has been done using stress and  bullying questionnaire; the questionnaire consisted of several sections, collecting demographic data (age, gender, and marital status), work-related information (job title and working hours). Personality type A/B questionnaire. Some personality types seem to be more susceptible to effects of stress than others. For work Ability Index. We used the work ability index as a standardized tool for measuring work process, health, stress, work ability, and work-satisfaction. Among 70.8 % male and 29.2 % female with mean age 27.8±5.1 years old of the academic staff, 48.9 % of them were complaining from tension, 45.7 % of them relate depression at the work place to the unfair distribution of work, most frequent types of mobing behaviors; 57.3 % unrealistic refusal to promotion and 27.2 % sarcasim. 31.4 % of the participants tend to leave the work as result of bullying at the workplace. In conclusion, continuous exposure to the threat to professional status by exclusion, bullying behaviors, are associated with psychological troubles.