Carrie Lynn Brown
Syracsue University Counseling Center, USA
Title: Supporting trans* college students with gender transition within college counseling centers
Biography: Carrie Lynn Brown
The number of trans* identifed college students has increased dramatically in the past decade (ACHA Guidelines, 2015). Despite this trend, the number of college counseling centers, therapists trained and expereinced to provide services to this population remains lacking. More specially, students who are seeking medical transitions require a referral from a mental health provider for these treatments. However, many students lack the resources to receive counseling services off campus and are unable to obtain the referrals necessary for medical transitions (i.e. hormones and/or surgical procedures). Additionally, many states require letters from mental health providers for legal changes of gender identification markers on legal documents, such as driver’s licenses, birth certificates, passports, and social-security cards. This presentation introduces therapists to get an awarness about the Trans* community as well as the means for providing the proper referrals and documentation for gender transition and legal documentation changes. Review of an assessment tool regarding gender transition, as well as the existing literture regarding needs, personal experiences, and directions for future training will be provided. Additionally, exmaples of referral letters and WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) standards for composing these letter will be reviewed. Challenges, barriers, and consulation opportunitites will also be discused.