Regi Alexander
Consultant Psychiatrist, UK
Title: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and offending behavior in adults- approaches to diagnosis and management
Biography: Regi Alexander
Autism is characterized by the triad of impaired social interaction, de cits in communication and restricted, repetitive and
circumscribed interests. It encompasses a spectrum of severity and may be associated with a range of other developmental
disorders and mental health problems. In majority of people with ASD, their presentation is not associated with o ending
behavior. However, a sub group of people with o ending behavior who also have ASD pose particular challenges. is
presentation will cover the core features and co-morbidity of autism spectrum disorders, the relationship between ASD and
o ending behavior, the screening and diagnosis of ASD in forensic settings and approaches to management. e latter will
include a discussion about the recently introduced typologies of ASD within forensic settings and the preliminary ndings of
the MATCH study into people with autism in the UK who are compulsorily detained in hospital for treatment.