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Cori Costello

Cori Costello

The Family Institute at Northwestern University, USA


Statement of the Problem: The traumatized client enters the counseling session suffering from the neurobiological effects of psychological trauma exposure. This exposure can have a detrimental impact on the brain functioning levels as well as the homeostasis of the client’s physical body. Stress causes the body to activate its survival mechanisms, which include immune, neuroendocrine, peripheral, hypothalamic-pituitary, and neurochemical systems. The stress response can alter the brain’s functioning and its structure and may not return to pre-stress homeostasis levels. At this point, the client may demonstrate PTSD symptomology or acute stress responses. The purpose of the study is to find clinically sound approaches to relieving and reducing the long term negative effects of activation of the survival mechanism. The goal serving is to strengthen the client’s emotional core. Building resilience, or the process of adapting well in spite of adversity, can be cultivated or enhanced through this biological process. There are clinical approaches that can change these responses such as neuroplasticity which occur at a neuronal level and can alter the neuronal firings. Within the body, the use of mindfulness is one approach that can lead to more awareness and self-reflective learning. A mindfulness based approach to the experiential process provides a holistic activity that encourages non-judgmental awareness to the current moment in time. Creative mindfulness techniques and training can assist the client in building their levels of resiliency to strengthen their neurobiological response to the trauma.

Conclusion and Significance: To compensate and readjust to this process, creative mindfulness techniques are considered as a method for increasing the resilient levels within the client. Building resiliency through creative means can serve to enhance learning as well as increase mental capacities and promote wellness. Creative approaches can be an appropriate method for encouraging the reconstruction of the neural networks of the brain.


Abstract : The use of creative mindfulness techniques to increase resiliency and alter the bodies’ reactionary response to trauma